How to buy?

How to buy?
- For orders over HK$3000, we provide free delivery to most local commercial areas. Otherwise a small courier fee may apply (~HK$30 for goods below 1Kg)
- Installation service is available at HKD390 per hour. Please call.
- Please call us to confirm price and delivery date. (Usually within 1-2 business days).
- Our customers are mostly local businesses, we do business in traditional way: Quotation → Confirmation → Delivery → Installation → Collect payment → Provide after sales services.
- Phone: +852 2644-0219
- Email:
- (Closed on Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday)
- 買滿 HK$3000, 可享免費送貨到大部份本地工商業區(市區), 否則可能要加一些速遞費,本地工商業區 1Kg 以下約為 HK$30。
- 安裝服務費為每小時HK$390,請來電查詢。
- 請來電確認價格和送貨日期(通常1-2工作天內送貨)
- 我們主要服務對象為工商業客戶,用傳統商業模式買賣:報價→確認→送貨→安裝→客戶滿意後收款→提供售後服務。(因銀行收費太高,我們暫不接受網上付款)
- 電話: +852 2644-0219
- 電郵:
- (星期六日及公眾假期休息)
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