How to use Linux Control Panel?

SXL Linux Control Panel is a web application that let you manage your Linux hosting account on our servers. By using it, you can add or change Email accounts, Web sites, FTP sites, Databases, Domains and DNS, in one easy-to-use application.

Please note: Internet Explorer 7 or below are not support. Please use [[|Firefox]] or [[|Google Chrome]] instead.

== How to login ==
When you subscribe to our Linux Hosting service, you will be given the control panel username and password.

# Open in your browser.
# Click the [GO] button on the top left corner.

# Click the Linux Control Panel icon

# Login with your admin username and password

# After login, you will see a row of modules available to you.

# In the Account Limits section, you will found used and available limits for your account.

# The DNS module let you manage your domain names and DNS records. We will discuss it further in another article.

# The Email module let you manage your email accounts, alias, forwards, vocation messages, email quota, etc. We will discuss it again in another article.

# The Site module let you manage your web site, FTP account, Web Statistics, CRON jobs, etc. We will discuss it in detail in another article.

# The Tools module let you change your control panel password and language.

# On the top-right corner, you will found the Logout link and an integrated search box. Using the search box, you can easily find any domains, email accounts, web sites, user names, etc.

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