Web Folders (also called WebDAV) is an advanced feature on our Linux Host that allow users from anywhere in the world to share documents and files over the Internet. Our customers often have branch offices in mainland China and overseas and have their management and sales team traveling around the world. This article show you how to use web folder to share files between them.
In this example, we will create a web folder called "sales" to let our sales team to share files. You can use the same method to create web folders for other teams, such as accounting, projects, management, etc.
* replace example.com with your own domain name in the example below.
== Create a new DNS record ==
# Login to Linux Control Panel.
# Open your domain in the DNS tab.
# Open the Records tab, note the IP address of your web server record (www record), we will need to input the same IP address in the next step.
# Click [A] to add a new record.
# Input "disk" as the Hostname, so that our server is called disk.example.com, you may use other name as you wanted.
# Click Save.
== Create a new web site ==
# Open Sites, click Add new website
# In Domain, input "disk.example.com"
# Input a Harddisk Quota.
Most of our customer got 1GB of free web storage, you can input up to 1024MB here. However, if you already have a website on our web server, you may need to input a smaller number or buy additional disk space.
# In Auto-Subdomain, choose None.
* Click Save.
=== Add a WebDAV user ===
# Open Sites > WebDAV-Users. Click Add new Webdav user.
# In Website, select disk.example.com.
# Input a username and password. (Please use a complex password but avoid using special character).
# In Directory, input a name of the web folder, such as ##sales##. In this example, the full URL address of your web folder becomes: ##http://disk.example.com/webdav/sales##.
# Click Save.
# The server will automatically add your Customer ID in front of the username, so the username becomes c78sales in this example. Please take note of your username, password and address of your web folder. You will need these information later.
Now we are done with the setup. You may send the username, password and web folder address to your sales team members, and ask them to connect to the web server by refer them to this article series.
We will continue to write in this series on how users of different operating systems can connect and use the web folder.